Frequently Asked Questions

  • We offer a range of AED brands and models, including Philips, Zoll, and Cardiac Science. The right AED for your organization will depend on factors such as budget, ease of use, and specific features or capabilities that are important to you. We can help guide you through the selection process and find the AED that best meets your needs.

  • We offer a variety of AED accessories such as batteries, pads, cases, and signage. Most of our accessories are compatible with multiple AED brands, but we can help you determine which ones are appropriate for your specific AED model.

  • We offer manufacturer warranties on all of our AED products and accessories. However, it's important to note that warranties are only through the manufacturer. That said, we do offer a registration service to help you keep track of your AED products and accessories, including their expiry dates, recalls, and other important information. This service can help ensure that your AEDs are always up to date and in compliance with relevant regulations and guidelines.

  • Yes, we offer onsite AED and CPR training for organizations of all sizes. Our training programs are customized to meet your specific needs and can include hands-on practice with AED devices and CPR manikins, as well as instruction on emergency response protocols and best practices for responding to sudden cardiac arrest.